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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-19 16:00:24 查看次数:


As a hotel middlemen between the producers and consumers of the commodity trading or service business.
The concept of hotel brokers
    Hotel middlemen between producers and consumers to participate in the hotel commodity trading or service business, and economic organizations and individuals with legal personality, is the hotel the inevitable product of commodity transactions or services developments. Dealers and agents can be classified according to whether it has the ownership of the goods.
2 functions of the hotel brokers
   (1) Sales: Hotel brokers must first contact with the reality and potential customers to get their booking commissioned requirements.
   (2) Promotion: Hotel brokers have marketing responsibility for hotel products and services of the agent. The hotel should actively provide relevant information to travel agents such as brochures, etc.; the same time, travel agents in the marketing of tourist routes, the hotel products and services included.
   (3) financing: the way to encourage tourists to participate in some travel agencies abroad to take tourism to post-paid or part of the cost, the cost of hotel reservations borne by the travel agency.
   (4) purchase: brokers to obtain the customer's reservation request to the hotel booking. Sometimes the tourist season, hotel reception capacity tension, or some of the hotel has maintained a high occupancy rate of hotel brokers for understanding to ensure a "tight" to meet the requirements of the customer reservations, and to ensure their credibility, will advance to the hotel bulk book a room, and then organized the source, but this hotel brokers, there will be some risk, if part of the room can not be sold, this loss is borne by the hotel brokers.
   (5) risk: The hotel brokers mutual agreement to assume the responsibility of the risk of losses that may occur in the agent sales process. Such as canceled package tours, travel agencies should the hotel to make part of the compensation; Another example is the tourists stranded in the hotel, the increase in costs due to flight delays, compensation should be travel agents to come forward in consultation with the airlines.
   (6) combination product: the product here is the integration of concepts that can meet the tourists and a tourism food, housing, transportation, travel, entertainment, shopping and other aspects demand the sum of the products and services. Hotel brokers to hotels, airlines, car rental companies, tourist attractions quantities for individual tourism products together in the form of packages sold to tourists (and sometimes sold to travel agents).
   (7) provide information services: hotel brokers as a link between the hotel and ultimately tourists, shall be responsible to provide the information to the customer at the same time informed of the response of tourist demand and tourists to the hotel to the hotel in order to strengthen both communication and understanding, and to promote the hotel to improve service quality to better meet the needs of tourists.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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