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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-12 11:01:47 查看次数:


To promote the hotel product promotions, discounts and price of strategies
    The discount is based on the original price less income a certain percentage of the purchase price, the price is the revenue part of the original price on the basis of price, both in real terms is the same. Quantity discounts, cash discounts, seasonal discounts and trade discount.
(1) the quantity discount
    There are two forms of quantity discounts, First customer to buy a lot of single hotel product reaches a certain amount, the hotel will offer discounts based on the original price; another is accumulated within a certain time, the customer to buy hotel products reach a certain amount The hotel will give a discount. Purchased form can occupy a lot of room but for a long time for room hire. In the form of the hotels offer discounts in addition to reduction, but also can provide a certain number of free rooms or other free service, guests also can give some preferential terms, for example, issued a discount card, or allow guests to extend a long time to check out a special policy .
    Should be noted that, the hotel's pricing policy to all customers equally, can not take the preferential policies of the different conditions to different people. Standard to give the customers to enjoy discounts and privileges should not be too high and too frequently, otherwise we lose the attractiveness of the discount, will also affect the hotel operating income.
(2) cash discount
    The cash discount is also known as the payment discount given to customers to pay even lower prices than the original price of a strategy is the agreed payment period. For example, some hotels marked "in terms of 1/10, net 30, meaning that, if the customer is that hotel transaction within 10 days after full payment, the hotel to give a 10% cash discount, and also provides the latest pay paragraph time is 30 days. To buy to take the cash discount is in order to reduce the phenomenon of the hotel bad debts dead account, ensure hotel liquidity in good condition.
    The use of cash discount policy, it is necessary to carefully study a reasonable discount rate and pay time, while doing the recording of the customer file.
3 season discount
    Hotel operators have a significant distinction between the peak season, in the off-season to give the customer a little discount and concessions to attract tourists, hotel occupancy rates and revenue, such a pricing strategy is the season of discounts. It should be noted that to fully consider the price down and prices have gone down full of tourists, such as price cuts, but the source is still less than the hotel's income is less than price cuts, the price before there is no meaning. At the same time in the off-season price cuts do not lower quality, credibility and reputation of the hotel in the community can not be damaged due to lower prices.
4 trade discount
    The trade discount is the hotel to give the brokers a discount, prompting brokers to help promote the hotel product sales.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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