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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-19 14:18:12 查看次数:



Compared to the well-known hotel brand design, the hotel brand strategy
    Well-known writer, Haiyan, a former vice president of the Beijing Kunlun Hotel. He mentioned in an interview the following thing: Kunlun Hotel and the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, to fight for an international conference. To two hotels in China's organizers investigated it, they believe that service to the hardware level, the Kunlun strong that the Kunlun price cheaper than the Great Wall, low per room $ 10, this is a big difference . They set the Kunlun Hotel, and report to the United States. The United States side of the organizers said, the two hotels we set the Great Wall! Chinese organizers asked why he set the Great Wall, and stressed that this is a judgment in their field trips. The U.S. reply to the organizers: "I believe that your investigation, but how do I explain it to my guests? Conference organizers, I live Kunlun explained with the guests, they will ask Kunlun is what the hotel with my guests? Sheraton (the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Sheraton by the U.S. company management, it is also known as the Beijing Great Wall Sheraton Hotel), the people there was an immediate gratitude, we live the Sheraton! "Kunlun Hotel Sales Director, this is difficult to accept. Haiyan said: People, people Sheraton in operation for many years? Chinese write down these three words, but could put the number? People worldwide advertising do? Now people want a return. Obviously the design of hotel brands is that we can not match the state-owned have hotels, national hotel, local hotels, a number of brand, a little better, we can only say relatively well-known only in a domestic area.

Thinking and practice
    (1) analyze the case of the U.S. organizers to select the hardware and the room prices are not and Kunlun Hotel Great Wall Sheraton Hotel reason.
    2 analysis of the group read, each list of three well-known international or domestic brand hotels to understand these well-known hotel brand building process, and group presentations in the classroom, communication.
    ③ panel discussion: assume that the use of the task group to discuss the final selection of a new product idea to open a hotel, try to create a brand for this hotel, and a brief description will be how to establish the brand in the market.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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