南川酒店品牌设计 是非常重要的一个南川公司VI设计是描写。The brand of British National Party is important as local and national elections loom near. 品牌的英国国家党是很重要的,因为当地和国家选举织机相近。The party needs to promote themselves in a way that appeals to the British voters and tones down their previous public image a little. 党需要提升自我的方式吸引英国选民,他们以前的公众形象音调下一点。As BNP leader Nick Griffin told the conference, “This logo will illustrate what this party is all about.”作为领袖尼克・格里芬肽在会上表示,“这标志将说明这个聚会是一回事。”
So far, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 到目前为止,一直是积极的反馈。The more than two hundred delegates at the conference showed almost unanimous approval for the design. 超过二百名代表出席会议的批准显示几乎完全一致的设计。Whether UK voters both regionally and as a whole feel the same way remains to be seen. 英国选民是否两个地区和作为一个整体,也有同样的感觉仍有待观察。Ultimately, the test of the British National Party’s new brand will be the upcoming elections.最终,检验英国国家党的新品牌将在即将到来的选举。
Political parties are second to none when it comes to marketing and public relations. 南川酒店品牌设计政党是首屈一指的谈到营销和公共关系。If you think about it, there is very little difference in our overall quality of life in the UK from year to year, no matter who is in charge. 如果你仔细想想,很少有不同在我们总的生活质量在英国,每年,无论谁负责了。People are voting not just for particular candidates and causes, but for the more abstract principles that they represent. 人们投票不只是为了特定候选人和原因,但更抽象的原则,他们代表。Branding is very important in portraying what a political party is all about.南川酒店品牌设计 是非常重要的一个南川公司VI设计是描写。
Does your business have a logo design and brand that will inspire your potential customers to vote with their pocketbooks? 贵企业有一个标志设计和品牌,而它将启发你的潜在客户把票投给他们的钱包吗?If not, you may be losing your constituents! 如果没有的话,你可能会失去你的选民!The UK is a competitive market for businesses large and small, so it is important to present a brand that shows people exactly why you are the right choice for them.英国是一个竞争激烈的市场为企业大的和小的,所以它是重要的是人们呈现出品牌到底为什么你是正确的选择。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)
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