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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-15 11:20:57 查看次数:

    据了解,上海酒店VI设计和酒店服务的形式多样,一种是促销买断费,分为包厢买断、楼层买断、 整个酒店买断。另一种形式是产品买断,以某品牌牛奶为例,如果是酒店独家买断的费用一年得15万元,也就是意味着顾客在这酒店智能喝到一种牛奶。当然生产商业可以选择促销员买断,就是只允许一家供货商的促销员驻店。不少大酒店每年光各类酒水的“进场费”、“开瓶费”就能收入几万甚至几十万元。
The concept of marketing channels and type of hotel drinks products
    The profit margins of the hotel and catering great cuisine, drinks even more high-margin products, now talk about the marketing of the hotel drinks products.
    It is understood that the hotel drinks slotting allowances in various forms, is a buyout fee promotion, divided into boxes buyout, buyout floor, the entire hotel buyout. Another form of buyouts, to a certain brand of milk, for example, if the cost of hotel exclusive buyout of $ 150,000 a year also means that customers in this smart hotel to drink a milk. Of course the production of business can choose the buyout promoters, allow only a supplier of promoters in the shop. Many large hotels each year various types of light drinks "slotting allowances", "corkage fee" will be able to income of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    The hotel directly send Promoters cost is too high, also guests exclusion, the hotel staff is the best hidden promoters. Attendant in addition to fixed salary, corkage is also an additional high-income, and the hotel corkage fee is very high, so Hotel salesman great confidence is high corkage fee: 68 yuan a bottle wine corkage fee of 35 yuan, 15 yuan, 28 yuan a bottle of special liquid corkage 250 g pack of wine corkage. They believe that, in the face of more than half of the wine price corkage, each waiter heart. So many attendants trying to get this extra income, attendants earn more, then the hotel industry to earn more. But the hotel you want to purchase a low price to sell at high prices, and suppliers must establish a good relationship.
    In the interests of the entire wine supply chain, manufacturers, distributors, hotels tripartite restraining each other, forming a community of interests, the premise of tripartite profit drinks sales. Among various different Hotels charge a slotting allowance, as well as sales commission and other costs (size of the festivals, celebrations and fees, gifts, etc.) and often quite substantial. In fact, more than just alcohol beverage promotions. Box price of $ 5 yogurt in the supermarket, at least 10 yuan in the hotel, the waiter take an empty yogurt box in exchange for two dollars, some attendants will take away not inverted light yogurt box. So the drinks in the hotel this place profit margins, use the appropriate method is the old profit on the development of the hotel there are certain advantages.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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