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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-17 11:39:14 查看次数:

行业生命周期短洗牌来临 经济型酒店边走边叹

To join the budget hotels future fields of the hotel product life cycle strategy
Reshuffle of the industry life cycle is short the advent of the economy hotel walking sigh
In numerous bosses withdrawal of funds from the stock market and real estate investment are still studying whether to join this promising field of budget hotels, budget hotels legendary founders, was successfully listed on the Nasdaq after the market value of dramatic increase in home, burst loss in the listing of the fifth quarter. "The rapid rate of expansion, budget hotels inflection point, the economy hotel bubble era" comment immediately surfaced.
The industry life cycle is too short. "One arrived in the southeast coastal city of investigated circle economy hotel brand designed and economy hotel market real estate developers on the" Business Week "laments.
March 4, 2008, such as Home Inns announced 2007 fourth quarter and full year unaudited financial results is indeed something to eat surprised: Home 2007 total revenues of 10.093 billion yuan (about $ 138.4 million), 71.5% increase over 2006, but net profit of only 36 million yuan, an increase of 16.4 percent, well below the revenue growth rate over the same period. In particular, the fourth quarter revenue of 327.6 million yuan, a net loss of 15.2 million yuan.
Why is this happening?
Such as the report provided by the home in October 2007 acquisition of Top Star Business Hotel in Shanghai's 25 hotel chains, and thus bring the 13 million yuan loss in the consolidated statements. Such as the relevant person in charge of further explained that in addition to the expenses related to the acquisition of Top Star, as well as re-assessment of the net deferred tax assets of $ 610 million one-time cost. In fact, after the acquisition of new hotel usually need to invest large cost, and take some time to mature operation. Analysts pointed out that the coming period, such as home throw will face greater financial pressure.
But such as home, such as home fourth-quarter loss is caused due to non-operating losses, there is no "brilliant and woeful". The data show, such as family CEO Sun Jian: Home 2007 newly opened hotel number over 100, the total number of hotels doubled compared to 2006, into a more urban, and continue to maintain stable operation.
No one expects that the acquisition provides immediate profit, from this perspective, such as the interpretation of the home is quite reasonable. Home believes that the acquisition of seven Top Star hotel chain so that the accumulated experience in the industry, mergers and acquisitions, such as home, and laid the foundation for further sustainable development of the Home's future. The operation of integration of the Top Star has been basically completed, the next month hardware maintenance, and is expected to show growth and benefits in the next 3-6 months. Such as family earnings announcement, the Han court, GreenTree. 7 Days Inn and other economic chain hotels have come forward to express their views, they are behind the theme, such as temporary loss of the home does not mean that the Chinese economy hotel to enter the industry inflection point.
From a fundamental point of view, such as the family business situation seems to be all normal, but this is really a false alarm in a small?
October 2007 Home to 3.4 billion acquisition of Top Star hotel chain, even from the perspective of the Home is laying the foundation for future expansion of development, but the seven-Doo Star changed hands, and also can be seen as the industry to overheat and cause the weak are eliminated out of the start.
Top Star of the development path also reflects the survival status of a considerable number of enterprises in the travel industry. , According to the Chinese economy hotel network announced the economic chain hotel industry climate index: April 2008, the domestic economy hotel brand to reach 58, but only "Home", "JJ Star", "Motel" "7 days", the Han court, "GreenTree" and "Super 8" 7, the opening of the hotel more than 50, the number of remaining more than 50 brand hotels all focused on the size of the following 27 associated with the explosive growth at the same time is dispersed. Many of them familiar, such as listed and investors, in fact, does not have enough strength to cope with fierce competition in the hotel market. Rapid expansion in the big brands to get venture capital, small scale enterprise profit situation is not optimistic.
The turning point may not lightly, but the investment boom bubble already is gradually formed. Insiders pointed out that some hotel chains in higher prices to "grab the floor," the high cost has been allowed to be overwhelmed.
In fact, the legend of the listing such as home, after all, only the stage of a business success, and do not represent that this model can be universal in the industry as a whole. Moreover, today's industry environment and the macroeconomic environment, a far cry from when compared to the listing of Home. Because the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. Chinese monetary tightening as well as China's capital market, recent changes in capital for the economy hotel industry cautious.
From the whole of China, which still has a huge space in the market. To 2015, according to previously published data by the National Tourism Administration, China will become the world's largest tourist country. The fourth largest tourist source countries, and the formation of the 2.8 billion people world-scale, the overall tourism industry in China ushered in the history of the best opportunities for development. In addition, the 2010 World Expo will be held, the adjustment of national holidays and paid leave implementation of the system, budget hotels will bring more business opportunities and development space.
Win these opportunities, businesses must survive the initial difficult times ". The hotel chain is not a means of competition, economic and cheap, is behind a corporate professional, standardized management capabilities, namely, how to maintain a certain standard of service in the chain expansion. Sun Jian pointed out that the budget hotels to victory lies in the replication capacity of the scale, "When a brand development to a size of about 100, 30 to 40 the city's New Year's Eve, it will be a management bottleneck, whether speak of a city management and profitability in each city to maintain, will be the further development of the key.
Want all fully competitive industry, the budget hotel is a survival of the fittest arena. In July 2007, Hanting Hotel chain, seven days holiday and hotel chains to complete the second round of financing, Morgan Stanley will spend billions of dollars to continue to acquire 80% on Motel Inn Co., Ltd. excessive. Frequently questioned in the economy hotel chains in the occasion of the three budget hotels upstream but also that a judge: you argue that you already started my shuffle.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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