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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-04 14:17:16 查看次数:


Hotel marketing to choose what kind of model to measure the target market?
No difference in marketing mode
Differentiated marketing model means the hotel will be the product of the entire market as a target market, open up the market with a single mode of marketing a product and a marketing program to attract as many buyers. No difference between marketing models consider only the common consumer or user on demand, without regard to their differences in demand.
The advantage of this strategy is: The hotel can be large-scale sales, simplify distribution channels, the corresponding savings in market research and advertising expenses incurred, so that usually reduce the cost.
Its limitations are: not fully meet the consumer differences in demand. With the socio-economic situation, lifestyle and personal interest in change, diversification of demand for hotel products, a single marketing strategy is not easy to attract consumers.
Differences in marketing mode
The difference between marketing model is the overall market is divided into a number of market segments, to develop a separate set of marketing programs for each segment. For example, hotel for consumers of different genders, different income levels introduce different combinations of products of different prices and different advertising theme to promote these products, is the difference between marketing model.
Differences in marketing mode advantages are: small quantity and variety, the production of flexible, targeted, consumer demand to be met, and thus to promote product sales. In addition, the hotel is operating in multiple market segments, to some extent can reduce the operational risks; hotels in several market segments, will help to improve the hotel's image and increase market share.
The inadequacies of the difference between marketing model is mainly reflected in two aspects: firstly, to increase marketing costs. Because of the more varieties of products, management and inventory costs will increase the cost of marketing of the hotel - the hotel must be developed for different market segments, marketing plan, will increase in market research, promotion and channel management. Second, it is possible to make the hotel the allocation of resources can not effectively concentrated at a loss, even in the hotel internal competition for resources with each other, so that competitive products is difficult to develop leading edge.
Concentrated marketing model
A differentiated marketing model and differentiated marketing model, the hotel is the overall market as a marketing target, trying to meet the needs of all consumers in a particular aspect of. Centralized marketing model is to concentrate our efforts into one or a few market segments, the implementation of specialized production and sales. The implementation of this model, the hotel marketing is not the pursuit of competing in a big market, but instead sought a larger share in one or several sub-markets.
The concentration of the target market strategy is often suitable for limited resource capacity or unique resource for small and medium hotels. Difficult to gain a competitive advantage in the overall market, thus trying to achieve a higher market share in a smaller market area.
Highlight the advantages of this strategy: give full play to the hotel advantages in resources, making the hotel to have a strong competitive ability in a particular market. Easy to form the product and the operating characteristics of the targeted business scope, which is conducive to expanding the visibility and monopoly profits of the hotel on the specific market segments.
Its limitations: the hotel over-reliance on a smaller market, with greater risk. Once the demand for changes in the market is narrow, corporate crisis.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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