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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-05 15:25:27 查看次数:



    客人永远是对的(The guest is always eight),是美国“现代酒店之父”斯塔特勒先生的名言。

    和斯塔特勒的观点相反,美国汽车大王亨利?福特先生曾宣称:“不管顾客需要什么颜色的汽车,我只有一种黑色的。”这种傲慢其实在酒店业的发展过程中也曾有所表现:初期的客栈,设备简陋,客栈建筑大多为原木结构,墙壁是竹篾 夹抹石灰,屋檐下悬挂着长方形白纸灯笼,灯笼两面一般都写有联语,例如“未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天”。那时的客栈兼供客商堆货,只供应基本的食宿,让旅客可以有落脚的地点,并没有提供消遣服务;客栈声誉很差,往往被人们认为是为了糊口谋生的人才干的低级行当;客栈内亦不安全,常常有不法之事发生,如抢劫、打架、聚赌。夜幕降临,当你嫌环境恶劣,想转身离去改投他店,此时,你会听到客栈小二的提醒:“过了这个村就没有这个店。”


Hotel marketing and the concept of hotel design, hotel marketing and development process

The guest is always right

    The guest is always right (the guest is always eight), the United States, "the father of the modern hotel, Mr. Statler famous.
    Mr. Statler attention to the research needs of the guests, as long as he thought or guests to the requirements on the idea into reality. One day, he was right 巴法罗斯塔

Teller hotel manager said: "I want the guests every morning and free newspaper, called the waiter to go from under the door into the" A few days later, it broke into the room manager grumpy

Questioned the manager: "I remember I have been ordered and called the waiter daily Morning Post, under the door to go into" the manager explained: "The newspaper is too thick, do not go in from under the door with.

"Afterwards he immediately said:" Well, as people the door sawn from below one inch, 300-room doors saw, called the carpenter dry today. "On another occasion, Italy, a

The Name tenor telegraphed to 巴法罗斯塔特, booking a three-suite rooms. Statler know the house of the three suites in the hotel, but as people promised him

Requirements. He immediately organized a temporary surprise carved next to the wall between the two sets to one door, security door, stucco decoration, 10 hours after the arrival of the great singer

When a new suite ready.

    Contrary to the view of the Statler, the U.S. auto magnate Henry? Mr. Ford once declared: "Whether the customer needs what color the car, I only have a black."

Kinds of arrogance in fact, also in the process of development in the hotel industry to be seen: the early inn, poorly equipped, the inn buildings mostly wood structure, the wall Bamboo folder wipe lime

Rectangular white paper lanterns hanging under the eaves, lanterns on both sides generally have joint language, such as "not too late, lodging, crowing early sky. , When the inn and for merchants stacker only

Supply of basic food and accommodation, so visitors can have a settled place, and not to provide entertainment services; Inn reputation is poor, often considered to be dry in order to make ends meet the talent to make a living

Low-level line of business; inn is not safe, and often illegal things, such as robbery, fighting, gambling. As night fell, when you are too poor environment, want to turn away switched

Store, you will hear a reminder Inn Primary 2: "after this village do not have this shop."

Thinking and Problems
1, is also a landmark entrepreneurs, Statler and Henry? Ford's point of view why the opposite? What are the reasons for this judgment?
2, how to understand "the guest is always right" this view? If you think that view is reasonable, then in the hotel business and services how to to perform?
3, "the guest is always right" between this view and hotel marketing to the needs of customers as the core characteristics of what relationship?

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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