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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-11-13 21:30:48 查看次数:




   在深圳的酒店用品的特点:我们的主要特点就是主要特多。1. 涉及的行业门类多,品种繁杂。 酒店用品 2. 注重造型及外观工艺,结构简单,体积小。3. 使用简单,方便。适应面广(无需专业人员操作)。 4/无配件提供及维修服务。5 此类产品基本均是消耗品,不可以作为固定资产。6 一般都不是固定在建筑物中使用的小物件在这些酒店用品当中,这就是人和时设计的根本所在,我们把这些创意利用酒店的定位,酒店的文化创意产口若悬河,符合企业的定位,和一些酒店的装修定位就是如些形成的。

Hotel supplies, what is a hotel supplies, hotel supplies procurement Shenzhen.Hotel supplies what is the meaning of it, our main hotel supplies creative in there, buy equipment in there, Shenzhen hotel supplies procurement is the complete supporting facilities.Shenzhen hotel company supplies here is very much, and the Shenzhen times is hotel of production and management process needs of the various appliances, these are very rewarding, our facilities are very complete, our hotel items collectively ( include: restaurant supplies, kitchen utensils, hotel bedding disposable items, rooms, bars and coffee supplies, cleaning supplies, cleaning agents, hotel staff uniforms, daily miscellaneous pieces and so on ) these are the need for complete set of design, we strive to put the design into the whole feeling, let the set of hotel supplies the design into a series, with an overall brand creative work. We sought to force is like this.Hotel in Shenzhen supplies features: our main character is the main special. The 1 involves the industry category, species complex. 2 pay attention to the shape and appearance of technology, has the advantages of simple structure, small volume. 3 the use of simple, convenient. To adapt to a wide range of ( without professional operation ). 4 / no parts and repair services. 5 such basic products are consumables, can not be taken as fixed assets. 6 in general are not fixed in the use of the building of small objects in the hotel supplies, it is people and design of the fundamental, we put the creative use of hotel 's location, the hotel cultural creative industries talk rapidly. Enterprises with, positioning, and renovation of the hotel location is so formed.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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