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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-08 22:00:06 查看次数:






Environment wayfinding design, what is the environment wayfinding system.

    Environment wayfinding design, environmental wayfinding system, he is another empty guides in Italy, his creativity, his design, his production, are needed in a particular environment, needs and style orientation relative to the environment combined, and highlights a different theme, but also a functional point of difference, where the difference of each industry is relatively very obvious, such as vacation and leisure is very easy, relaxed, natural feel; and Business government, which highlights the need to grade, clean room design, elegant and business reflected. In the real estate home, these is reflected warmth, harmony and design features.

    In the leisure environment wayfinding system is characterized by what he, he needs four main attributes:

    It's the first point is the need to reflect the guide said, indicating the function-oriented than the above efforts, reflecting the nature of his functions; The second point is harmonious with the live environment, this is the subject of the environment wayfinding design creativity, he must into the style, culture and sublimation, regional characteristics, business development themes, etc.; the third, works of art, its design needs in the performance of the overall environment is a focal point of attention, as most likely to draw attention to the concern, as to appreciate works of art; the fourth line is the whole point of the surface composition, and the dotted line surrounding the composition of the surface, his height, etc., need to carefully consider.

    There is also a need to reflect the guides in the environment is to create a culture, to create a quality role. His grade and culture together, meaning he can become a design, each one oriented brand, the brand has a story, an idea, so that each point will give people who come here to enjoy over the pages, emphasizing individual technology and geographical features such high environmental wayfinding resident is no copy of the design, this is the success of the five environmental wayfinding system.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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