中国的品牌设计公司要多看国外的电影细节,这样能学到不少最新的现代设计创意,维京银河字体出售The Virgin处女brand品牌is one of the most recognized in the world, with a presence and a UK是世界上最受认可的,存在和英国吗logo design标志设计with which we are all familiar. 我们都熟悉。Now, brand fans can own a little bit of the Virgin brand, because the typeface formerly used for Virgin Galactic is for sale.现在,球迷们可以自己品牌一点点的圣母品牌,因为字体以前用于维京银河的非卖品。
我们的设计就是这样进步的。The typeface, which was designed by UK logo designer Dalton Maag, was developed to have in intergalactic geek charm. 板式、英国标志设计的设计师,开发了Maag道尔顿有星系际怪人的魅力。The characters are square and flat with rounded edges. 这些人物都广场和边缘的公寓。The style is reminiscent of an old science fiction film, but the font has a more professional finish. 风格使人联想到一个老科幻电影,但有一个更专业的字体完成。It is notable because it uses numbers for certain letters, for instance the number one for the letter I.这是值得注意的因为它使用编号为某些字母,比如一号信我。
设计没有最好,只有更好,Virgin’s space ventures are obviously coming to a close, because it is difficult to imagine Richard Branson selling off pieces of the brand otherwise. 维珍的太空游的显然是接近尾声,因为很难想象理查德。布兰森出售品牌否则件。After all, the Virgin brand has significant equity and a large following. 毕竟,圣母品牌有显着的股权和一大批追随者。This brand tends to use logotypes as designs, without images, so this effectively was the Virgin Galactic brand.这个品牌趋向使用logotypes作为设计,没有形象,这实际上是维京银河的品牌。
创新就从这里开始。The font does not include just the Latin characters used by Virgin Galactic; it also has Greek and Cyrillic lettering that are even more attractive than the Western counterpart. 字体不包括拉丁字符用就维京银河,它还具有希腊和西里尔文字更有吸引力比西方同行。It obviously is a professionally made logo; the question is who will be the new proud owner.这显然是一个有过专业做标志,问题是谁将成为新主人自豪。
深圳是美好的品牌设计公司发展的地方。It’s hard to think of a company buying and using this font, although that is likely what will happen to it. 很难想出有哪个公司购买和使用这种字体,虽然这很可能会发生什么。Who wants a hand-me-down logo design? 谁想要一个旧标识语设计吗?Because the Virgin font will likely come at a high price, this will be one of the most expensive hand-me-downs in the history of the globe.因为圣母字体可能会产生极高的价格,这将是一个最昂贵的旧衣服,在历史上的地球。设计之源于这里。
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