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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-08-19 22:48:26 查看次数:

酉阳标志设计新英国揭幕的酉阳车展在3月1日。The new UK logo design was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show on 1 March. 酉阳标志设计新英国揭幕的酉阳车展在3月1日。The changes to the logo are rather minimal―the winged arrow has been made more prominent―but the company has hinted at a completely new brand in store, including a new font. 标识的变化而minimal-the翼箭将更prominent-but公司已经暗示了一个全新的品牌在商店,包括一个新的字体。These changes, Skoda hopes, will create a more contemporary image that will win the auto company more sales and hence a larger market share. 这些变化,斯柯达的希望,将创造一个更现代的形象,才能争取到汽车公司销售更多,因此一个更大的市场份额。Four multimedia marketing campaigns are also coming to the UK, including television advertisements for the Yeti and an appearance at the Goodwood Motor Show.四个多媒体营销活动也来到英国,包括电视广告的一个雪人和Goodwood车展亮相。

This is merely the beginning of the changes that Skoda has in store. 这仅仅是个开头的改变,斯柯达在商店。The brand plans to add fourteen dealerships in the UK along with two new models, including a larger family car. 品牌计划增加14经销商在英国随着两款新车型,包括一个更大的家庭汽车。These new additions will take place over a two-year time frame. 这些新成员将发生不超过两年的时间框架。However, the new logo will be used on 2012 models.然而,新商标将会被用于2012模型。

酉阳标志设计This is the perfect time to refresh the brand and logo design to choices that will be more enticing to UK customers. 这是最完美的时间刷新品牌和标识语设计选择,英国会更诱人的顾客。Few businesses are as competitive and brand-oriented as the automobile industry. 一些企业竞争力和brand-oriented为汽车行业。Many people choose a car for the marque alone and are willing to pay much more for a brand that is perceived as upscale and premium. 许多人选择一辆车的牌子还是保住孤独和愿意花更多的钱去购买一个品牌,被认为是高档和保险费。However, having a professional UK logo design and brand is essential for businesses in every sector.然而,有一个专业的英国是必要的标识语设计和品牌为企业在每一个领域。

Another factor that makes 2011 a perfect year for rebranding is the economy. 另一个原因使得2011年一个完美的重新定位是经济。While many in the UK are still feeling the effects of the recession, especially with Government Austerity cutting services left and right, most economic experts believe that we are on the brink of an upturn. 虽然许多在英国仍然感觉的影响,尤其是政府经济衰退紧缩削减服务左和右,大多数经济学家认为,我们是在一个上升的边缘。The repositioning of Skoda will make it a more popular choice just as more people in the UK feel inclined to make large purchases such as a new car.斯柯达定位的就更受欢迎的选择,只是随着越来越多的人在英国想使大量购买诸如一辆新汽车。

How is your business dealing with the recession? 你的生意处理衰退吗?While it is tempting to cut marketing and branding services when revenues dwindle, this is actually one of the times when these factors become even more crucial to your success.当它诱人的市场营销和品牌服务时,减少收入下降,这实际上是一次这些因素的时候变得更加重要,你的成功。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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