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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-08-09 17:14:01 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 January 13, 20112011年1月13日,||Category:类别: Branding品牌
Global alcoholic drink distributor Diageo is aiming to rebrand drinking in the UK, reminding customers that alcoholic beverages are a fun way to celebrate special times with friends and family, and not necessarily the vices that modern people in the UK increasingly view them to be.全球酒经销商Diageo旨在将陶醉于英国,提醒顾客认为酒精饮料是一种有趣的方式来庆祝特别的时间与朋友和家人,不一定是恶习,现代英国人进一步把它们。

Although Diageo saw a 5% increase in sales of key brands such as Baileys, Smirnoff, and Guinness in the twelve month period ending on June 30, 2010, the company is also aware of the current trend against drinking in the UK. 虽然Diageo销售额的增加了5%的关键品牌,比如Baileys马里奥,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》,十二个月期间结束2010年6月30日,该公司也意识到目前的趋势,反对酗酒在英国。According to a recent study, many people in the UK are turning away from drinking and looking for more healthful activities. 根据一项最近的研究,在英国的很多人都离开喝酒,寻找更健康的活动。In fact, three out of every five UK adults surveyed felt that alcohol packaging should have warning labels similar to those on cigarette packets, while two out of five believed that the government should set minimum prices for alcohol to discourage its use. 事实上,三个英国成年人的时候,每年每五个调查认为酒精包装应该警告标签在香烟包装上很相似,但是,当两个出五认为政府应该将最低收购价的酒精,阻止它的使用。In addition, many ethnic populations in the UK heavily discourage drinking, a sentiment that may be spreading to the general population.此外,许多人种在英国严重阻碍饮酒,一种感情可能蔓延至一般人群。

Diageo is counteracting this trend with a marketing campaign designed to present social drinking as an enjoyable and normal behaviour. Diageo消解这种趋势是一个营销活动设计与当前社会饮酒作为一个愉快、正常的行为。Right now, Bailey’s is being presented as a drink to be regularly enjoyed with friends, with model Helena Christensen at the centre of the advertisements. 现在,贝利的被表现为饮定期享受与朋友、与模型海伦娜・克里斯腾森的中心广告。This is a change from the brand’s former designation as a luxurious, special occasion drink. 这是一个改变从品牌的前一个豪华的称号、特别场合喝酒。Bailey’s has also introduced a Flavours range, making it a more versatile alcoholic beverage.贝利的同时也出现了一种口味的范围,使其成为一个更全面的含酒精的饮料。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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