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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-29 22:09:14 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 November 1, 20102010年11月1日||Category:类别: Branding品牌


Can a well recognized beer可以一个公认的啤酒brand品牌ever be made new again? 曾经被重新吗?UK favourite Fosters is certainly hoping so. 当然是希望英国最喜欢的培养。The Australian brand is rebranding to appeal more to UK drinkers, with new livery and a new澳大利亚品牌的重新定位,吸引更多的英国,新外壳饮酒者和一个新的logo design标志设计.

The design features a bright blue and silver can, which offers a clean and refreshing look while tying into the liquid nature of the product. 林芝包装设计亮蓝色的设计特点和银可以提供一个干净,清新而绑到流体看产品的性质。The familiar F from the old Foster’s logo is present, but it is enclosed within a circle. 熟悉的F从旧的福斯特的标志是存在的,但它是被束缚在一个圆圈。The red letter pulls in the eye, while the golden colour of the O is almost identical to that of the beer itself.红色的信的眼睛,而拉金的色彩,几乎是相同的阿的啤酒本身。

The point of this logo design is to give the Australian beer and its packaging a modern feeling while hinting at the quality of its brand. 标志设计的观点是给澳大利亚啤酒和其林芝包装设计暗示现代感而优质的林芝品牌。Below, the name of the beer is written in silver, in a shiny metallic hue. 下面的名称,啤酒是用银,在一个闪光金属色调。This blocky font is a little less traditional than the original while clearly being relevant to the brand. 这是一栋传统字体比原来少而明显成为相关的品牌。This name is written at an angle to give a feeling of change that will be attractive to a younger demographic. 这个名字被写在一个角度来给一种转变的感觉,那就会有吸引力的人口。The shiny metallic silver ties into the colour of the can, creating a seamless feeling in the image. 闪闪发亮的金属银联系到的色彩感觉,创建一个无缝的形象。The new font seen below the can will likely replace the old one eventually.林芝字体可以看到下面将会代替旧的最后。

This is part of a huge UK marketing push for this company. 这是一个巨大的英国市场推为这个公司。Foster’s is putting millions of pounds into promoting their UK brand. 福斯特的是使数百万英镑存入促进他们的英国品牌。Improving the can and the logo to appeal more to a young British audience is only part of this. 提高可以和商标,吸引更多年轻的英国观众,这仅仅是一部分。The brewer is also launching a series of television ads in a campaign titled “Good Call”, the third of which will come out this week. 布鲁尔也发射的一系列电视广告在一场名为“好主意”,第三,将出来这个星期。This features Australian celebrities Brad & Dan giving advice to young British men.这个特点及澳洲名人丹布莱德年轻的英国人给的建议。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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