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自贡广告设计 这是非常重要的在任何自贡设计。

zigongguanggaosheji zheshifeichangzhongyaodezairenhezigongsheji

来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-27 21:57:37 查看次数:

自贡广告设计 这是非常重要的在任何自贡设计。The logo design is different as well. 标志设计的是不同的。Enclosed in a square, we see stylized images of skiers in attractive hues of magenta and blue. 被围在一个广场上,我们看到程式化的形象在迷人的色彩的滑雪者洋红和蓝色的。The square gives a very traditional feeling that is complimentary both for this sport and for the club itself. 广场进行了较为传统的感觉就是免费都对这项运动和俱乐部来说本身。The lower case writing is friendly and unassuming, but it is written using a businesslike gray. 较低的案例教学法是友好的谦逊的,但它是使用一个有效率的灰色的。写With a variety of subtly competing elements, this logo seems to be all about balance, which is important in any design.有各种各样的元素,此标志巧妙地竞争似乎完全平衡,自贡广告设计 这是非常重要的在任何自贡设计。

The changes to the brand are not entirely cosmetic. 品牌的变化并不完全化妆品。According to the organization’s CEO, some of the company language will be changed, with “reps” now called “leaders” in the 34 resorts in which the association has a presence. 根据组织的首席执行官,一些公司语言将会改变,以“代表”现在称为“领导人”第34胜地,有存在。协会The new website has also been revamped to offer more interactive elements and new applications.这个网站也提供更多交互式调整元素和新的应用。

What does the Ski Club of Great Britain hope to gain from this redesign? 什么是滑雪俱乐部的大不列颠希望能够从这个重新设计吗?As we mentioned earlier, the club is trying to appear friendlier. 正如我们前面提到的,俱乐部正在努力显得友好。The hope is that a new logo will position them to be more attractive to both recreational skiers and snowboarders, who together make up an ever growing segment of the ski population. 希望在于一个新商标将地位都显得更有魅力,休闲滑雪者,滑板选手一起构成一个日益增加的部分的滑雪人口。They also hope for a generally better public perception.他们也希望公众的感觉更好。

Will this logo change be successful? 自贡广告设计将该商标变更成功吗?Outside of a few changes to the jacket and the wording of the company, there have been almost no real differences in the way the association is operated. 外的一些改变,夹克和公司的措辞,有几乎没有真正的方式上有差别协会操作。However, the brand itself seems to be changing. 然而,品牌本身似乎改变。There is a good chance that this visual change will be followed by even more changes to the Ski Club of Great Britain brand in the very near future.有一个很好的机会,这样的视觉变化之后的将是更加改变英国滑雪俱乐部的品牌在不远的将来。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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