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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-18 21:20:37 查看次数:

阿坝藏族羌族自治州VI设计Not only are these digitally savvy “brand engagers” interested in finding out about their favourite businesses and products through the internet, they consider it a high priority. 这些数字不仅是精明”牌”感兴趣engagers了解他们最喜爱的企业和产品通过英特网,他们认为这是一个高度的重视。In fact, many said that they enjoy social networking more than other hobbies, such as meeting friends at the pub.事实上,许多人说他们喜欢社交比其他的爱好,比如在酒吧里和朋友见面。

This presents good news and bad news for businesses. 这代表了好消息和坏消息对企业。The good news, if you are already using social media to reach your audience, is that your efforts are not wasted. 这个好消息,如果你已经在用社会媒体达到你的目标受众,那是你的努力是不会浪费。This media may end up being the most powerful marketing tool of our era. 这个媒体的结局可能会是最强大的营销工具的时代。The bad news is that this internet savvy marketing base requires more technological know-how than many businesses can produce in-house. 坏消息是,网民销售基地需要更多的技术比许多企业能生产内部。You may need to consult with a branding and marketing expert in order to determine what tools will be best for your social marketing sites and contract with an IT company to develop them. 你可能需要请与品牌建设和阿坝藏族羌族自治州VI设计营销专家,以确定什么工具将最适合您的社会营销网站和合同与一个IT公司来进行开发。However, this relatively small expense will come with great reward.然而,这种相对较小的费用必同存这样的心必得大赏赐。

The study also identified several of the main challenges for companies using social media to market themselves. 这项研究还鉴定出几个主要的挑战之一,为公司利用社会媒体来推销自己的。First, because people are on the websites to network, it is important to develop posts and feeds that don’t feel like interruptions. 首先,因为人们在网络上传到我们的网站,是一个重要的,以开发岗位,不想中断。There is no positive image in being an intruder. 没有积极的形象是一个入侵者。Your social marketing activities ideally should make you feel like another friend on the website.你的社会营销活动最好应该让你感觉像一个朋友在网站上。

Second, the one-fifth of social media users who are interested in receiving online advertisements are only so when the advertisements are relevant to their lifestyle. 第二,五分之一的社会媒体用户感兴趣的只是接收网上广告,所以当相关广告他们的生活方式。Taking a blanket approach will only frustrate and annoy. 以一条毯子方法只会挫折与气。This makes developing your small business brand and identifying your core audience all the more important. 这使得你的小生意发展品牌和确认你的核心观众所有的更重要。This means that there was never a better time to talk to a branding consultant!这句话的意思是:我从来没有在阿坝藏族羌族自治州VI设计一个更好的时间跟一个品牌咨询!

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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