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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-17 21:38:07 查看次数:

南汇区标志设计选择可以跟巨大的效益。Obviously Glamour would not take on such a daunting task if there were no commensurate benefit. 显然魅力不会采取这样一个艰巨的任务,如果没有相称的效益。However, the Conde Nast publication knows that there are reasons to woo customers on a local level. 然而,出版出售知道有犯罪原因吸引顾客在一个本地的水平。In this case, local fashion and beauty information is more accurate and more useful to the customers. 在这种情况下,当地的时尚与美丽的信息更准确更有用的客户提供优质服务。This is helpful to the brand, but it also will result in a temporary increase in circulation as many people will buy this magazine simply because it is the only one designed for their area. 这有利于品牌,但它也会导致发行量暂时升高很多人会买这本杂志,只是因为它是唯一的一个专为他们的地区。Last, recognizing regional flavour will give Glamour a new level of credibility, one that their competitors may not be able to compete with.最后,表彰地域味道将给魅力的一个新阶段,他们的竞争对手信誉,可能无法与之竞争。

Local is the new black, or so we are told. 南汇区标志设计本地食品是新的黑色、所以我们被告知。If this is truly the case, Glamour stands a good chance of emerging as a new market leader. 如果这是真的话,魅力站很有机会成为一个新的市场领先地位。Other magazines may be following suit soon if this strategy is as successful as it could be.其他杂志的肥胖可能很快如果这个战略是成功应该是这样的。

Although few small businesses have the budget that Conde Nast enjoys, there are still ways you can incorporate regional flavour into your company. 虽然有一些小型企业的预算中,奈斯特却喜欢出售,仍有方法可以纳入区域味进入贵公司。Be involved with your community and maintain a presence at local events. 你的社区参与和维持一个出现在当地的事件。Sponsor local sports teams and do what you can to be the local choice. 赞助当地运动队和做自己能做的事是当地的选择。This will not only make your customer base trust you more, it will help you build your brand. 这不仅会使你的客户基础信任你将帮助你建立你的品牌。More and more people care about buying local, so being the hometown choice can come with immense benefit.越来越多的人关心本地购买,南汇区标志设计选择可以跟巨大的效益。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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