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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-16 23:05:40 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 October 12, 20102010年10月12日||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标


Why does a well-known, established company suddenly decide to rebrand and adopt a new为什么一个众所周知,设立的公司突然决定将和采用新的吗logo design标志设计? 吗?This decision is rarely as sudden as it seems, often requiring months and even years of considering every angle and meeting with various consultants in branding and logo design. 这个决定是很少像突然因为它似乎是,通常需要几个月甚至几年考虑每一个角度看,并会见了各种品牌和标识语设计顾问服务。There are several reasons to completely rebrand what seems like a successful company. 有几个原因完全将那些看上去很成功的公司。Here are a few of the most common:这里是一些最常见的:

The logo design no longer represents the company due to expansion or refocusing.深圳标志设计不再代表公司由于本公司在华业务扩大或定向。
The这brand品牌is no longer resonating with the target audience, necessitating a rebranding scheme that includes visual elements such as the logo.不再是视线的目标观众,寻找一个重新定位方案,包括视觉元素,例如标识。
Similar logos and/or brands in the market are robbing the company of its unique identity.类似的标识语和/或品牌的市场攫取公司独特的身份。
The visual aspects of the brand, such as logo design, no longer communicate what they were meant to convey.视觉方面的品牌,如标识语设计,不再传达他们原意是表达。
In the case of Claridge’s, the reason for rebranding was likely a combination of all of the above. 在案件的Claridge的重新定位,原因可能是一个组合的所有以上。While the original, cursive text-only font of the original logo design was attractive, it was a little too old-fashioned and even plain for modern travellers, who want to be pampered with amenities and the most up to date luxuries. 在原有的草书字体的文本原标识设计很有吸引力,这是一个小小的未免过时,甚至平原为现代旅行者,他们希望被纵容和设施和最最新的奢侈品。Further, many similar establishments are using similar logos, making Claridge’s appear to be merely one of many instead of a well-recognized industry leader. 进一步,许多类似的机构是使用类似的理念,使Claridge似乎仅仅是一个许多来代替一个公认的行业的领导者。Last, the target audiences for upmarket lodging are looking for a more modern feeling in their hotel rooms and facilities. 最后,目标观众为高档住宿是想找一个更具现代感在他们的旅馆房间和设施。A logo design that reflects this style choice is more likely to resonate with them.深圳标志设计标志设计体现这种风格的选择更容易产生共鸣。

The new logo design retains several aspects of the original while giving Claridge’s a whole new look. 保留的新标志设计的几个方面,同时给出了Claridge原是一个崭新的面貌。Both logos are traditional at first glance, although the original logo design is more stiff and formal. 两个理念是传统乍看之下,虽然原标识设计更加僵硬和正式的。Both use a black and white colour palette that is carried throughout the establishments both in decoration and in marketing materials. 两者都使用一只黑白相间的颜色调色板,整个机构都在进行装饰及营销材料。The hotel decided not to change this, most likely because it is a colour choice that is popular in modern times.酒店决定不改变这种状况,最有可能的,因为它是一种颜色选择在现代流行。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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