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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-02 23:12:26 查看次数:

青岛VI设计创新的改变一个已经青岛标志设计公司。Another important part of the brand is the unusual and historically significant range of beers that will be offered here. 另一个重要的组成部分,品牌是不寻常的范围和历史重要,将您的啤酒。Because the rest of the因为其余的brand品牌is so unusual, it is only appropriate that the range of beers also be interesting and historically significant choices based on ancient brewing techniques. 非同寻常,所以它是唯一适用范围也很有趣,啤酒历史上重要的选择基于古代酿酒技术。Although these beers have yet to be tasted, they will include selections as diverse as bog myrtle ales and mojito pilsners. 尽管这些啤酒还没有尝过,他们将包括选择诸如沼泽桃金娘特征、将pilsners。The signature beer will be called Hospital Porter, brewed with a recipe over 250 years old.啤酒的签名将被称为波特,医院酿制配方250多年的历史了。

Beer is an integral part of the business, and it will be an integral part of the recipes for the restaurant as well. 啤酒是中国不可分割的业务,它将是一个不可分割的一部分,该配方的餐厅。Recipes will include a variety of dishes prepared with the microbrewery’s specialties, including beer cured salmon and chocolate beer sorbet.食谱包括各种各样的菜准备好专业,包括啤酒的青岛VI设计治愈鲑鱼和巧克力啤酒果冻。

The这brewery logo啤酒厂标志is related to the name相关的名字吗, showing the inner workings of a clock. 内部运作,展示了一个时钟。The name is written in bold lettering that has been slightly distressed to create the illusion of age. 名字被写在大胆的字体,稍微被创造的幻觉很苦恼的年龄。The black and white color palette is simple and classy. 黑色和白色面板是简单而时尚的。Every element of this每一个元素的logo design标志设计refers to the element of time used in the name.是指使用的元素名称。
Because the microbrewery is already well established, it is sure to be successful in this new venture. 因为microbrewery已经确立,就一定会成功,在这一个新企业。If anything, the history of the site only serves to enhance and build the existing company brand. 如果有什么区别的话,只能成为历史网站的增强和建造公司现有品牌。We look forward to new and innovative changes to an already cutting edge company.我们期待着新的和青岛VI设计创新的改变一个已经青岛标志设计公司。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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