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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-29 23:03:48 查看次数:

The restaurant will be located in the place that once housed the Horse and Groom pub.这家餐馆将会放置在一次的地方的马圈和新郎的酒吧。However, the site will be completed redesigned to be congruent with the brand, with Studio 21 overseeing the décor. 然而,该网站将于是符合重新设计工作室的品牌,与21监督装饰。The Asian contribution here is minimalism as well as certain materials. 这是亚洲的贡献极少主义以及某些材料。Wood beams will dominate much of the upstairs of the restaurant, while tatami accents in the downstairs add a lighter touch. 木束会主宰大部分楼上的餐厅,而榻榻米口音的楼下添加一个不痛。Although there are a few low, Japanesse-style dining tables, the虽然有一些低,Japanesse-style餐桌furnishings家具are overwhelmingly modern Western, with striking light fixtures and an attention to detail which also reflects the Japanese Restaurant Logo. 西宁VI设计有令人难以抗拒现代西方,用醒目的灯光装置和一个注重细节,也反映了日本料理店的标志。The cocktail bar on the ground floor will also have a fully stocked aquarium with exotic fish to entertain and interest drinkers.鸡尾酒吧的地面上也会有一个完全存入水族馆有异国风味的鱼娱乐和兴趣的新宠。

A less obvious but still important part of the Wabi brand is passion and creativity.还不明显,但却很重要的组成部分,Wabi西宁品牌是激情和创造力。Although the décor and Japanese Restaurant Logo design are both rather minimalist, both Cachia and Hallsworth are passionate about this new project and look forward to the creativity encouraged by the very nature of the brand. 虽然日本餐厅的装饰和标志设计形式,两者都是,而Cachia和Hallsworth都热爱这个新项目,并希望鼓励创造力的本质的品牌。The chef has said that he plans to be on perpetual lookout for new and interesting ingredients around which to base Wabi’s food and cocktails. 这位厨师有说他计划在永久监视新的、有趣的成分,以Wabi周围的食品和鸡尾酒。The restaurant is built to evolve with the culinary field and the needs of customers.这家餐馆是建立在进化和烹饪领域的广大客户的需求。

While one cannot speculate on crucial restaurant issues such as taste and service months before a site even opens, it is easy to see Wabi enjoying the success that Nobu London has found. 当一个人不能推测至关重要的餐厅口味和服务等问题的前几个月甚至打开网站不难看出,重Wabi享受成功,伦敦已经发现。Their brands (especially their Japanese Restaurant Logo) are similar but distinct. 其品牌标志(特别是日本餐厅)相似但不同。It is clear that the owner and chef both are willing to use their own creativity and tap into that of expert consultants, which is always a recipe for success.很明显,老板和厨师都愿意用自己的创西宁造力和引进这种专家顾问,西宁VI设计这是成功的秘诀。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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