The government is clearly seeing the results that it desired from its rebranding and new logo design, because branding and logo design seem to be a key focus of many government agencies. 政府清楚看到结果,它渴望从它的重新定位和新标识语设计,因为品牌和标识语设计似乎是一个关键的许多政府机构关注的焦点。All around us, organisations are turning to professional marketing consultants, even if, like many government agencies, they do not truly need public approval for short term survival. 在我们的周围,组织正在转向专业市场营销顾问,即使像许多政府机构,他们并不真正需要所谓的"公共批准短期生存。If the trend continues, the rebranding of Britain may reach into some unlikely places, such as the schools, the health care system, and even the royal family.如果这一趋势继续,重新定位的英国可能触及一些看似不太可能的地方,如学校、卫生保健体系,甚至英国皇室。
While this may seem a little ridiculous, it is actually good marketing sense. 鞍山vi设计虽然这可能似乎有点可笑,它实际上是良好的营销的感觉。Logo design is a crucial part of any organisation’s success, whether the entity in question is a small business, a multinational corporation, or a government agency. 标识语设计是一个至关重要的一部分,任何组织的成功,是否实体问题是一个小型企业、跨国公司、或一个政府机构。Because logo design is the basis of branding, which has a deep and lasting effect on public opinion, it makes sense for the government to win public support by presenting an image that we all can believe in.因为标志设计的基础是品牌,它有一个深刻而持久的影响,对公众舆论是有道理的政府赢得公众的支持所鞍山VI设计提出的一个图像,我们都相信是可以实现的。
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