owever, the new name may be infringing on another UK trademark, that of the well known Renewable Energy Association, or REA.但是,新的名称可以在另一个英国商标侵权,众所周知,或可再生能源协会REA。With the REA being perhaps the best known renewable energy trade organisation, this sets the two associations up for brand confusion. 与真正被也许最著名的可再生能源吉安VI设计公司组织,这一规定两个协会为品牌的混乱。The Renewable Energy Association is likely not amused by this brand intruder, as the two associations are already competing for members and support.可再生能源协会可能并不逗乐了,这个品牌的入侵者两会已经争夺成员和支持。
Whether the REA will respond with legal action is unknown, but it is easy to see how this will affect the organisation.是否将采取法律行动应对扣还不得而知,但很容易理解如何这会影响组织。The two names are similar enough that members of the public and sector companies may perceive them as being a single, interchangeable association. 那两个名字够相似民众与部门所能感知到的他们公司作为一个单身,可互换的协会。This is not good for either organisation.这不是好无论是组织。
The moral of this story is that branding and rebranding should always be done with an eye on what is already out there.本故事的寓意是:品牌的重新定位应该做什么是着眼于已经是那里。Your brand must be distinct, in name, logo design, and message, from all of your competition. 你的品牌必须层次分明,名称、标志设计、和消息,您所有的比赛。Anything else will only undermine your viability and create confusion in the public. 什么只会破坏你的生存能力和引起混淆公众。Most consumers are hesitant to do business with a company that sends confused, ambiguous message, and being too similar to a competitor certainly creates this effect.大部分消费者都犹豫与公司做生意,会困惑,过于含糊不清的信息,吉安VI设计公司一个竞争对手当然创造吉安VI品牌这种效果。
How can you avoid stepping on a competitor’s toes and confusing your customers?怎样才能避免踩着对手的脚趾和混淆你的客户?First, by having an industry professional complete your logo design and branding. 首先,有一个行业专业完成你的标志设计和品牌。A professional logo designer will know what elements are heavily used in your industry and be able to create a logo design that is completely unique and yet appropriate for your sector. 一个专业的标志设计者将知道什么元素可以调查你所在行业的大量使用,并且能够创造一个标志设计那完全是独一无二的,又是适合你的部门。Another way to avoid inadvertently copying your competition or being copied at some point in the future is to apply for legal protections such as trademarks. 另一种方法来避免无意中复制你的竞争对手或被盗版在将来的某个时候是申请商标法律保护等。Once you have acquired legal protection for your name, logo design, and brand, you can be assured that it is completely yours.一旦你获得了法律的保护,为您的名称、标识设计、品牌,可以肯定的是,这完全是你的。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)
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