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通化商标设计公司 真正关心的问题其客户的通化商标设计需求。

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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-10 21:42:56 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 December 15, 20092009年12月15日||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标


The Customer is Always Right: Asda Expands their Customer Panel顾客永远是对的:Asda扩展他们的客户面板

With the economy sinking almost by the minute, grocery stores everywhere are on the lookout for new ways to retain current customers and even steal a few away from the competition. 随着经济的投资额将近一分钟,由食品杂货店都在寻找新的方法来保持目前的客户,甚至偷一些远离竞争。As with many major corporations, part of this process is creating a在许多大公司的一部分,这个过程是创造一个brand品牌image of being responsive to customer needs. 图像是适应客户的要求。Asda is attempting to adopt this image by expanding their shopper panel to win theAsda试图采取这一形象,扩大购物者面板赢得war of the grocery brands战争的零售品牌.

Asda already has a shopper panel,已经有一个购物者Asda面板,but in a bold branding move they are expanding it as well as expending its sphere of influence. 但是在一个大胆移动他们正在扩大它的品牌以及扩大它的影响范围。This combined with a generous profit sharing measure for panel members gives the grocery market a consumer friendly image and nice这个结合丰厚的利润共享的措施,为小组成员给零售市场消费者友好的形象和漂亮logo design标志设计that will make the competition green with envy. 这将使竞争妒忌。If there is anything better than sharing one’s opinion, it’s being richly compensated for it. 如果有什么事情比分享一个人的看法,这是丰厚的补偿。The website is also going to be expanded to offer a variety of options for every Asda shopper.网站也将扩大到提供多种选择每Asda的购物者。

How is getting customer feedback a branding move?如何获得客户的反馈是一个品牌移动吗?First, it creates an impression that the company in question truly cares about their customers’ needs and wants. 首先,它创造了一个印象,通化商标设计公司真正关心的问题其客户的通化商标设计需求。The name of Asda’s 18,000 member panel promotes this image: ‘Chosen by you’. 的名字的18000个成员面板Asda促进这一形象:“由你选择”。Panel members have good incentive to share their ideas, with a new ‘Bright Ideas’ reward system that will literally pay these informers up to five percent of Asda’s profits from their tips. 小组成员有良好的激励来分享他们的想法,以新的“好主意的酬劳系统,随便付这些告密者高达百分之五的Asda的利润从他们的小费。This gives the public the impression that Asda is the type of company that wants to share their success with others, a very positive brand indeed.这给公众的印象是Asda类型的公司,想要一起分享成功的喜悦,非常积极的其他品牌的确很好。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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