How do you make this promise?你如何使这个诺言吗?First, you make promises with your logo. 首先,你许下诺言与你的标志。Shapes and colours both invoke powerful emotions in people. 外型和颜色都调用强烈感情看到别人的优点。Images also can be an important part of showing people what to expect from your establishment, both the image itself and the way it is oriented with the rest of your logo. 图像也可以是个重要的部分给人们展示该期待什么,都从你建立图像本身的方式是和实际导向和你其余的怀化标志。Fonts can communicate information about your style and products, whether modern and sleek or old fashioned and classic. 关于你的字体可以交流信息和产品风格,无论是现代和圆滑或老气和经典。If you and your如果你和你的logo design标志设计er use these key aspects well, people will walk into your establishment with an expectation that is similar to what you are delivering.呃使用这些关键方面良好,人们将走进你的建立有个期望:类似于你所解救。
Another way that you make promises is with your style of advertising.怀化LOGO设计另一种方式即你许下诺言是与你的个人风格的广告。Again, much of this promise is made on a very subconscious level that is nonetheless effective. 再次,许多这样的承诺是由潜意识层上,仍然是非常有效的。Your advertising both in method and in content should tie in to your logo and your brand. 你的广告内容都应该系的方法,在对你的怀化标志,也是你的怀化品牌。This will create a cohesive experience in which customers receive exactly what they expect. 这将创建一个具有凝聚力的经验,用户在完全得到他们的期望是什么?This can only bolster your image, because these customers will walk away pleased with their experience. 这只会提升你的形象,因为这些客户就会走开满意他们的经历。If, on the other hand, your logo promises a very different type of business than that which you are running, the customer will leave disappointed. 另一方面,如果你的标志,承诺一个非常不同的类型的业务,远比那些你正在运行,客人就会离开失望。Unfortunately, most people are far more likely to share negative experiences than positive ones, which can destroy the business that you are working to build.不幸的是,大多数人都更有可能分享消极的经历比积极作用,可以摧毁业务,你正在努力建设。
So, to answer the question we began with, your logo is your promise to the customer of exactly what you are offering. 所以,来回答这个问题,我们开始,你的标志是你的承诺给客户的正是您所提供的。No one likes to be deceived, so be sure your logo design and all other aspects of your brand are a good fit for your business and your products.没有人喜欢被欺骗了,所以你要确保标识语设计和所有其它方面,你的品牌非常适合您的业务和你们的产品。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)
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