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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-02 22:07:31 查看次数:


Posted on March 15, 2011 | Category: Logo Design News 发表于2011年3月15日 | 分类: 标志设计新闻

Channel Five is one of the more popular and also most-often-rebranded television channels in the UK.第五频道是在英国越来越流行,也最经常被更名为电视频道之一。 The UK logo design was launched in 1997—by the Spice Girls, no less—and proceeded to shed its tacky image with a series of rebrands and UK logo design changes.英国的标志设计于1997年推出由辣妹不能少,进而改变其襄樊标志设计摆脱俗气的英国图像一系列贴牌和。 The channel has now changed its logo design once again, for the third time in the past decade.该频道已经改变其标志的设计再次为在过去十年中第三次。

Television channels tend to rebrand and change logo designs more often than other businesses, although few as often as Channel Five.电视频道往往更名和更改襄樊标识设计往往比其他企业,襄樊VI设计公司虽然很少作为经常第五频道。 This is due to the unique needs of television.这是由于电视的独特需求。 The programmes are constantly changing, as are viewer preferences, and it makes sense to modify your brand to represent your products and your audience.这些方案是不断变化的,因为是观众的口味,而且有意义的修改您的品牌 ,代表您的产品和你的听众。

The new logo design, however, has not met with much fanfare.新标志的设计,但是,并没有大张旗鼓地会见。 We see the same circle shape, which is commonly used in television, but in a red colour rather than the former youthful orange.我们看到同样的圆形状,这是常用的电视,而是比前一个年轻的橙红色。 It's hard to understand why a change of colour was needed, especially as the orange gave a youthful and somewhat unique feeling to the channel.很难理解为什么一个颜色的变化是必要的,特别是橙色,并给予了年轻的感觉有点独特的渠道。

Instead of the word “Five”, the new logo features the full name of the channel.取而代之的是单词“五朵金花”之后,襄樊新标识的功能通道的全名。 We rather liked the “Five”—it set the channel apart from competitors such as Channel 4 and had an interesting font that was used well in on-air animations promoting the channel.我们相当喜欢“五”,它设置的通道外,如第4频道的竞争对手有一个有趣的字体就是一个很好的关于空中通道促进动画使用。 The new font is Helvetica, which is a little over-used both in logo design and in the television industry.新的字体是黑体,这是一个有点过分无论在标志设计和电视行业。 The addition of the word “Channel” also seems a little gratuitous; people watching television know that they are viewing a channel.这个词的“通道”此外还似乎有点无理,人们看电视知道他们正在观看的频道。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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