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武汉品牌设计 和武汉标识的设计是为竞争公司

wuhanpinpaisheji hewuhanbiaoshideshejishiweijingzhenggongsi

来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-01 21:45:52 查看次数:

Product placement is somewhat controversial in the UK.产品置入是有点争议的在英国。 Part of this is due to a reluctance to have the highly commercial-feeling programming seen in the United States and other parts of the world.这部分是由于不愿意有高度商业化感觉的节目在美国和世界其他地方看到。 When Ofcom decided to allow this alternate marketing method, it did so with a set of rules.当Ofcom的决定允许此替代的营销手段,它这样做的一套规则。 First, product logo placement is not allowed in certain types of programming, such as children's programming or news.一,产品标识,不得放置在某些类型的节目,如儿童节目或新闻。 The BBC also will not be using product placement in programmes made for UK audiences.英国广播公司也将在不使用英国观众作出程序中的产品布局。 Second, the layered P icon will be shown for three seconds before the show is aired to notify viewers of the product placement.第二,分层P图标会显示出三秒钟的节目是播出前通知这些广告的观众。

Further, only certain types of products can be legally placed on UK television.此外,只有某些类型的产品可以合法放在英国电视。 Harmful substances such as cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and unhealthy foods will not be allowed either.有害物质,如香烟,酒精饮料和不健康的食品将不得任。 Guns and other products that are not allowed to be advertised on UK television will be banned in product placement as well.枪和其他产品,不允许在英国电视广??告将被禁止在产品布局以及。

Despite the restrictions, product placement will likely prove as lucrative in the UK as it has in the United States.尽管存在着限制,产品置入可能会在英国的证明有利可图,因为它在美国了。 It gives manufacturers a chance to build their brand by having their UK logo design used conspicuously in popular programming.它使制造商有机会建立自己的品牌通过让他们的英国标志设计使用的编程显眼受欢迎。 Not only does this add profit-making opportunities for the programmes, it offers a chance for television and products to “co-brand.”这不仅添加牟利为方案的机会,它提供了一个电视和产品机会“联合品牌。”

This also poses challenges for smaller, lesser-known products and companies in the UK.这也带来更小,知名度不高的产品,在英国公司的挑战。 How can your UK logo design get the exposure that your business needs to succeed in a market where even television programming is filled with competing logos?怎样才能让你的武汉标志设计的曝光,你的企业需要一个成功的电视节目,甚至是充满理性的市场竞争? The need to have a professional UK logo design and to make smart branding choices will become even more acute in the very near future.需要有一个专业的英国标志设计和品牌做出明智的选择将变得更加在不久的将来严重。 If you aren't sure whether your brand and logo design are ready for the competition, talk to a logo designer today.如果你不能确定是否你的品牌和武汉标识的设计是为竞争做好准备,跟今天的标志设计。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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