In certain business situations such configuration could be acceptable, although, obviously, the active management by the owner himself greatly reduces his level of confidentiality.在某些情况下,例如业务配置是可以接受的,虽然很明显,由企业形象设计业主自己主动管理大大降低了他的保密程度。 However, this active personal management may lead to undesirable questions about the management and control of the company being vested not in the Director, but rather in the "agent" or "representative" (that is, the owner himself), which in turn may cause adverse personal tax consequences for the owner personally.然而,这种积极的人事管理可能导致的管理与控制不良的公司被赋予署长没有问题,但在“代理人”或“代表”,而(即,业主本人),这反过来又可能造成不良的后果,业主企业形象设计个人的个人所得税。
Therefore, a more substantial involvement of the third-party Director would be usually be advised.因此,对第三方主任较大幅度的参与将通常情况下,建议。
The Director would become part of the company day-to-day business - as it should be in all "regular" companies.主任将成为公司的日常工作日常业务的一部分 - 它应在所有“正规”公司。 In particular, the Director would sign contracts, invoices, deeds, resolutions and any other business documentation, as and when required by the beneficial owner.特别是,处长会签署合同,发票,契约,决议和其他商业文件,如当所实益拥有人必需的。 The third-party Director may also be called to execute control over the bank account of the offshore company.在第三方署长也可称为执行以上的VI设计公司的银行帐户控制。 Obviously, the Director would act only following clear instructions by the owners of the company, insofar as such instructions remain legitimate and are clearly understandable.显然,只有主任将担任下列由公司的所有者明确的指示,只要合法,企业形象设计这样的指示仍然清楚地理解。 This relationship between the Director and the client would be set in a framework of a strictly predetermined system of communication and reporting.这之间的主任和客户之间的关系将被设置在一个严格的沟通和报告预定的制度框架。
A comprehensive Company Management option largely resolves the problem with the location of the management and control of the company.一个综合性公司管理选项很大程度上解决了与该公司的管理和控制的选址问题。 Only by utilising a proper third-party company management solution, the beneficial owner of the company may remain protected from potential damage by the undesired discovery of his direct link to the offshore company.只有正确利用第三方管理解决方案公司,该公司的实益拥有人可能仍然受到保护,他直接联系,境外公司意外发现的可能损害。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 作者:先锋)
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