We welcome You to browse through our site, which we have tried to make as informative and functional as possible.我们欢迎您通过我们的网站,这是我们努力使尽可能为丰富和浏览功能。
Please feel free to contact us if You need any further information about BVI offshore companies and services - we will be delighted to write or speak to You!请随时与我们联系,如果您需要任何关于英属维尔京群岛VI设计公司和服务的详细信息 - 我们将很高兴给您写信或说话!
IBC - an International Business Company - is the most commonly used official name for what is more popularly known as an "offshore company".国际生物伦理委员会 - 国际商业公司 - 是最常用的是什么比较普遍的“大兴安岭VI设计公司”之称的正式名称。 IBC's are the basic building blocks of the offshore financial services industry. IBC的都是境外的金融行业服务的基本构造块。
Essentially, a modern IBC is a private corporation which is exempt from tax, suitable for virtually any international business activity, has a flexible organizational structure, is not burdened by excessive reporting and record-keeping requirements, and maintains strict confidentiality provisions.从本质上讲,一个现代化的国际生物伦理委员会,是一家私营公司是豁免税,几乎适用于任何大兴安岭VI设计公司国际商业活动,具有灵活的组织结构,是不是过多的报告和记录保存的要求负担,并保持严格的保密规定。
Since the adoption of the British Virgin Islands International Business Companies Ordinance in 1984, the BVI IBC has attained a model status in the offshore services industry.自英属维尔京群岛国际商业公司条例于1984年通过,英属维尔京群岛国际生物伦理委员会已取得了行业海外服务模式的状态。 With more than 600,000 total incorporations and more than 5000 new companies registered every month, BVI is by far the most popular offshore tax haven.总共有超过60万,超过5000个注册成立的新公司登记的每一个月,英属维尔京群岛是目前最普遍的VI设计税收天堂。 Such is the dominance of the British Virgin Islands as an offshore corporate domicile, that in many regions of the Far East International Business Companies are called simply as "BVI's".这就是作为一个大兴安岭VI设计公司住所优势英属维尔京群岛,在远东国际商业公司的许多地区都称为“英属维尔京群岛的”简单。
(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)
企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )