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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2010-12-29 22:09:37 查看次数:

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The Hotel has been a meeting point of sorts for a wide variety of products over the years.酒店经过了多年来的产品种类繁多的各种交汇点。 From being prominently featured in classic movies to serving as a testing ground for innovative sleep products, hotels are the perfect opportunity for companies to give customers the opportunity to “experience” their brand with all senses.从经典电影中被突出特色,作为一个创新的睡眠产品的试验场服务,酒店是完美的机会,公司给客户的机会,“经验”的所有感官自己的品牌。
One of the most popular collaborations exists between hotels, and fashion; the advantages of the collaboration can be mutually beneficial for both parties given the right circumstances.酒店之间存在的一个最流行的合作,以及时尚;的协作的优势,可以互相给予适当的情况下对双方有利。 The fashion brand benefits from a constant flow of exposure to clients and potential new clients by presenting their products in an integrated “experience.” It also give them the opportunity to introduce new product lines like bath amenities, linens, furniture, and fragrances to clients.从接触客户和潜在新客户通过介绍他们的产品集成在一个不断流动的时装品牌效益“的经验。”这也让他们有机会介绍像沐浴用品,床单,家具新产品线,为客户和香水。 In many cases, guests have the chance to purchase goods directly from the hotels belonging to the brands.在许多情况下,客人有机会购买属于货物直接的品牌酒店。
Take the case of the Casa Camper Hotel in Barcelona  ; it is a small hotel featuring only 25 total rooms, but with the strong occupancy rates of the Barcelona hotel market (around 70%) this essentially guarantees a captive market of at least 30-45 guests every day (even days like Sundays when the actual Camper stores are not open) who are sleeping, breathing, and living the Camper lifestyle.以巴塞罗那案件的Casa Camper的酒店在卡萨坎珀 ,它是一家小酒店只有25间客房为特色,但与70%)强的入住率在巴塞罗那酒店市场(约这基本上保证了至少30个在垄断市场-45客人每天(星期日天甚至像实际坎珀当商店无法打开)谁在睡觉,呼吸和生活的Camper的生活方式。 Because Camper is a quirky and funky brand, it has translated their version of hospitality into the same vision with unique services like wooden bicycles to rent.由于露营是一种离奇和时髦的品牌,它已转化为具有独特的服务,如木制自行车租相同的愿景他们的好客的版本。 Additionally, the company's ecological, healthful attitude is reflected not only in Casa Camper's non-smoking policy, but also in a comprehensive recycling program, solar panels and a unique system that reuses hotel water.此外,该公司的生态,健康的态度,不仅体现在Casa Camper的的禁烟政策,但也处于全面回收计划,太阳能电池板和独特的系统,重复使用酒店的水。 Camper authenticity is also obvious next door at the FoodBall restaurant, where guests can lounge on a set of stairs while they enjoy an array of fresh organic juices and delicate organic balls of free-range chicken and other fillings covered in a layer of brown rice. Camper的真实性也很明显在FoodBall餐厅,让客人可以在了一座楼梯lounge,而他们享受的新鲜有机果汁和自由放养的鸡,并在铺上一层糙米及其他材料delicate organic球数组的下一个门。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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